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June 16th 2010

June 16th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for May 2010 has been awarded to Robin Wyllie. Robin has been extremely helpful recently, accepting assignments at the last minute and helping to enable us to satisfy the increased demand we are experiencing from our clients at present. We have received very positive feedback regarding his attitude, and his time sheets have all been submitted promptly. Congratulations Robin, from all of us at TGT.

May 10th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for April 2010 has been awarded to John Lee. We felt John deserved some recognition for being one of our longest serving temps and he has also made himself available to work full-time as a 7.5 Ton driver for one of our clients over the past few months. Well done John. Your prize is on its way!

April 15th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for March 2010 has been awarded to Robert Bursey. Robert has been working for a Guildford manufacturing company on a long term temporary contract and has proven to be a reliable and flexible employee. He has also submitted all of his timesheets promptly and they are always clear and concise. Congratulations Robert. Enjoy your prize and keep up the good work!

March 3rd 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for February 2010 has been awarded to Andrew Richards. Andrew has been on a long term assignment with a local catering company and as a result of his excellent attitude has now been rewarded with a full-time position there. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Andrew for his time working for TGT as a temp and wish him every success in his new permanent role. Enjoy your prize, Andrew, and all the best for the future.

February 1st 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for January 2010 has been awarded to Ben Hurtley. We have had very positive feedback from our clients with regard to Ben’s attitude and he has proved to be a reliable and flexible employee. He has accepted work at short notice, and all timesheets for the month were completed thoroughly and submitted on time. So our congratulations go to Ben, but also to Miroslav Mosiadz, Andrew Richards, Donna Ditchburn, Filipo Herzog, John Gammon, Malcolm Laker and Michelle Feline, all of whom were candidates for the award as a result of securing permanent positions with our clients after impressing as temps.

January 8th 2010

As we enter the New Year (and a new decade) we would like to wish all our clients and temps every success for 2010. We would also like to thank those members of our work force who have braved the adverse weather conditions in recent days to make it to their places of work. Though the payroll process has not been affected by the cold snap, some temps may experience a delay in receiving payslips and replacement time sheets. I can assure you all that these have now been dispatched and will be with you within the next few days. As always, replacement timesheets can be downloaded from this site. Click here to go straight to our download page.

October 23rd 2009

TGT Solutions are now entering their 5th year of trading. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many businesses and organisations who have benifited from our services for their continued loyalty. We would also like to thank the many individuals who have worked for us as temps for helping to establish TGT as one the most reliable employment agencies in the industry.

October 6th 2009

Congratulations to Piotr Dziob on securing a full-time position with Watson Wyatt Worldwide following his temporary assignment in their London printroom. The TGT team would like to thank Piotr for his time working for us as a temp and wish him evey success for the future in his new permanent role.
