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November 1st 2012

November 1st 2012

Following recent negative press coverage regarding the use of “umbrella companies” by employment agencies, TGT would like to assure both our clients and temps that it is our company policy NOT to enter into these kind of schemes, and this will continue to be the case going forward. We consider it to be an immoral method of tax-avoidance and we are aware of instances of temps employed by agencies under these terms being persued by HMRC for unpaid tax as a result.

February 28th 2011

Due to a fault with the Vodafone network, we are currently experiencing problems receiving calls to our mobile phones. I have been assured that the fault is being addressed as a matter of urgency, and we would like to apologies to anyone who has tried to contact us today via our mobiles. We are, however, still contactable via our landline telephone number (01483 243372).

February 16th 2011

The TGT Temp of the Month award for January 2011 has been awarded to Mark Swinfen. Mark has proved to be an extremely reliable and willing employee whilst working for TGT over the past 6 months. We have had very positive feedback with regard to his attitude and whilst working for us on a long-term assignment has helped to boost our growing reputation. Well done Mark.

January 15th 2011

The TGT Temp of the Month award for December 2011 has been awarded to Martin Jones. Martin has been on a long-term assignment for TGT at a local manufacturing plant for several months and has been the subject of positive feedback from the client. Congratulations, Martin and enjoy spending your prize.

December 14th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for November 2010 goes to Mark Lewis. Mark has taken on a wide range of driving assignments for us recently, and proved to be a willing and reliable employee. He has taken work at short notice for us and has always submitted his timesheets promptly. Well done Mark, and thanks for your help.

November 15th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for October 2010 goes to Matt Vyner. Matt has recently been offered a full-time position with a local lighting manufacturer following a very successful temporary spell there. The client was impressed with Matt’s attitude and felt he would be a valuable addition to their team. Congratulations Matt, and all the best for the future in your new permanent role.

October 14th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for September 2010 goes to Arkadiusz Wysocki. Arkadiusz has been on a temporary contract with a Guildford manufacturing company for several weeks and as a result of his hard work and reliability has now been offered a long-term contract there. Thanks for your efforts Arkadiusz, and thanks also go to Mark Swinfen, Martin Jones, Wojciech Rozek and Andrius Morkevicius who have all been the subject of positive feedback from our clients in recent weeks.

September 16th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for August 2010 has been awarded to Tomasz Barnak. In recent weeks Tomasz has taken on several driving assignments in addition to the regular work he does for TGT, often accepting jobs at extremely short notice. Our clients have been impressed with his efficiency and all of his timesheets have been submitted to us promptly. Well done Tomasz. Enjoy spending your prize.

August 16th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for July 2010 has been awarded to Nancy Lock. Nancy has been a great help recently, in some instances taking on work during the day in addition to the long-term evening assignment she is currently undertaking. The team at TGT would like to thank Nancy, along with all of our current temps for helping us through one of the busiest periods in our history.

July 9th 2010

The TGT Temp of the Month award for June 2010 has been awarded to Micky Finch. Micky is approaching 3 years service for TGT and during this time has proved to be a willing and conscientious employee. We have consistently had excellent feedback from our clients with regard to Mickys’ attitude and know that we can always rely on him to uphold our reputation as one of the leading employment agencies in the industry. Enjoy your prize, Micky, and thanks for your help.
